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Successful economies rely on effective land administration and cadastral systems.
The Cadastre 2034 strategies of Australia and New Zealand jointly seek to provide “a cadastral system that enables people to readily and confidently identify the location and extent of all rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land and real property”. An important component of each jurisdiction’s cadastral system is the ‘Spatial Cadastre’; being a geo-located spatial representation of cadastral boundaries in that jurisdiction. This is delivered online to an increasingly wide variety of users and serves multiple purposes. Spatial Cadastres that are fit-for-purpose will be critical to achieving the Cadastre 2034 strategies.
Successful economies rely on effective land administration and cadastral systems.
The Cadastre 2034 strategies of Australia and New Zealand jointly seek to provide “a cadastral system that enables people to readily and confidently identify the location and extent of all rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land and real property”. An important component of each jurisdiction’s cadastral system is the ‘Spatial Cadastre’; being a geo-located spatial representation of cadastral boundaries in that jurisdiction. This is delivered online to an increasingly wide variety of users and serves multiple purposes. Spatial Cadastres that are fit-for-purpose will be critical to achieving the Cadastre 2034 strategies.