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By Roman Trubka et al

The Costs of Urban Sprawl - Physical Activity Links to Healthcare Costs and Productivity

Publication Type
Journal paper
Western Australia, Australia
Other Authors
Roman Trubka, Peter Newman, Darren Bilsborough
CRC Contact
The Costs of Urban Sprawl - Physical Activity Links to Healthcare Costs and Productivity. This is one of three companion papers taken from a study that assesses the comparative costs of urban redevelopment with the costs of greenfield development. The fi rst paper, GEN 83: The Costs of Urban Sprawl ? Infrastructure and Transportation, shows that substantial costs would be saved in infrastructure and transport if urban redevelopment were the focus. The second paper GEN 84: The Costs of Urban Sprawl ? Predicting Transport Greenhouse Gases from Urban Form Parameters discusses the costs that can be linked to the transport carbon emissions that arise from suburban living.